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RE: [DL] Re: Combined Format

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daphne Brunelle [mailto:dbrune4@po-box.mcgill.ca]
> Subject: Re: [DL] Re: Combined Format $$$$$$$$$$
> That being said, I disagree with the following:
> > Now they got a new idea that's gonna save them a lot time, money and
> > You haven't even seen the new format yet and you're already 
> > writing it off as a failure.
> I think you may have misread all this. As far as I could tell, people
> weren't talking about jumping ship on PEG because of their 
> new strategy.
I beg to differ.  This is exactly what I read too.  A bunch of people
proclaiming that they would NOT buy the new format.  How is this not jumping

> > If folks like that had been flyin' Kitty Hawk we woulda 
> > never left the ground.  Look, all I'm saying is don't 
> > jump off the plane before we leave the runway.
> Of course, falling twenty feet is probably less painful than 
> falling twenty thousand feet ;-) However, your point is taken.
Not a valid analogy.  No one is going to get hurt buying game books.  Sure
you spend money.  Maybe you don't use the book.  As Leno says in the Doritos
commercials (or used to) "We'll make more".  It's just money.  And yes, I
know a bunch of you are poor starving students.  BTDT.  You'll graduate some
day and get real jobs and make some money you can spend on gaming.  

How many true gamers out there have a shelf of stuff you don't play (and
maybe haven't even had time to read)? <raises own hand>  It's the way we
are.  Especially if we get the opportunity to go to a game convention. 

> > Buy one or two of the new books.  Don't judge it by it the
> Or potentially, with lots of input like the kind I've been 
> seeing on the list today, PEG will come up with something 
> even better, and all that "whining" will have amounted to a 
> better product, which will result in more profits, which in 
> turn will result in the rebirth of the entire gaming
> industry... or something like that ;-) (Hey, I'm an optimist)
I've seen a ton of whining and very little useful criticism or input.  A
couple of ideas, yea, but anyone involved with publishing any sort of work
can poke a bunch of holes in everything I've seen.  Having said that, no, I
don't have any ideas either. 


Jim Heivilin, Webmaster
Biohazard Games