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Re: [DL] Crossovers

In a message dated 9/27/2000 6:33:53 PM Central Daylight Time, 
toadpooka@juno.com writes:
> I was considering something along these lines awhile back, but I never
> got too far into it.  Unfortunately, most crossovers involve a "portal
> between two different realities," which I don't care for at all as a plot
> device, so I was trying to figure out how to make the In Nomine idea work
>  without that idea.
    Well, prone to stubbornness and overintellectualization as I am, I've 
given it some thought.  And I wouldn't use something as inelegant as a 
dimensional portal in less really necessary.  
   Now, on to my ideas for IN Deadlands.  Basically, I would see IN Deadlands 
as the Reckoning happening in the In Nomine universe.  Perhaps Uriel's purity 
crusade made heaven enough enemies to give Hell the winning hand, perhaps a 
scheme of one of the demon princes (kobal perhaps, the demon prince of dark 
humour?  Perhaps the reckoning was a little joke on his part), but suddenly 
Heaven is fighting an uphill battle.
   Imps (known to the Indians as manitou, yes imps would be more impressive 
than normal in this crossover) create undead for Saminga (prince of death for 
anyone not that knowledgeable about IN), empower                        
hucksters for Asmodeus (he is the prince of the game after all), and inspire 
mad scientists for vapula (prince of technology, one of his minions is the 
demon of mad science!).  
   Baal can be thanked for keeping the Civil War going, with some help from 
Malphas prince of factions.    
   Beleth princess of nightmares can be thanked for all those nice 
abominations roaming the weird west that aren't manitou derived, they are 
ethereals from her portion of the marches.                                  
    Jean, archangel of lightning, would try to counteract the influence of 
mad science with pure science.
   Blandine archangel of dreams would be busy trying to bring piece to 
mankind's mind, and ironically enough no archangel would think her a slacker 
in a Deadlands crossover because they don't think that's important.  Less 
fear is a very, very good thing. :)
    Laurence, archangel of the sword, patron of Catholicism, and trainer of 
soldiers would be the patron of all Blessed, even if they are of a religion 
he personally doesn't care for (pretty much all non Catholics), although so 
could Khalid, archangel of faith, and patron of Islam.                        
    Michael would certainly be the patron of the enlightened martial artists 
and gunslingers.  
    The superiors I don't mention, well I just can't think of anything 
special to say about them in the crossover.  <shrugs>      
      Do to their natures, black magicians, blessed, and harrowed have a 
built in excuse for Soldier status (which I guess would be a new AB I suppose 
for this crossover), for that matter shamans and the like could easily be 
Soldiers for the third side.
     Hmm, in In nomine, sorcerers are magic users whose powers work through 
the summoning of demons.  In an IN Deadlands crossover, they should probably 
be merged with black magicians.  Although considering the power level 
required for a true merging of In Nomine and Deadlands, a PC black magicians 
probably wouldn't be particularly noticeable.  
     Power levels: Adding celestials to a Deadlands group would tilt the 
power level quite a bit, so it's not for those who are squeamish about power 
levels.  Celestials could teach Songs, (for that matter there would be the 
possibility of such headaches as a celestial awakening the essence of a 
huckster so that they aren't dependent on manitou).  And for that matter I've 
gotten the impression that more than a few think that harrowed are powerful 
enough, much less the possibility of adding songs or the like.  
   For that matter, the celestials themselves are probably are as 
advantageous as say the garou rules for Deadlands.    
   Although one could try a limited crossover.  A PC gets possessed by a 
kariotate when the chips are really down, or perhaps the next baddie the PCs 
have to go after is actually a shedim of belial, a powerful being capable of 
possessing fire itself.