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Re: [DL] Crossovers

 >somebody tell me I'm not alone.  Somebody please just mail me and say, I
 >hear ya, Gurps is wacked.  Deadlands is better off without them.

Well - I can give you a yea and a nay.
First - I don't have a subscription to Pyramid.  (The internet was built 
for the /free/ exchange of information - but that's neither here nor 
there.)  So I haven't seen the playtest data.  I'm just going on what you 

But the yea's
I personally don't like the Gurps system - it is too generic for my 
tastes.  I am a firm believer that mechanics dictate story.  Going from PEG 
Deadlands to Gurps is akin to going from fine Japanese cuisine (enjoyed by 
some immensely and utterly repulsive to others) to a Big Mac.  (Not really 
considered "good food" by anyone, but in general everyone accepts it as 
edible.<don't over analyze the example>).  It's bland, but more accepted by 
By removing the cards and other specialty mechanics of DL they are 
bleaching a lot of the flavor out of the system.

Also - there is the adage that "Too many cooks spoil the soup."  It is 
possible to over-playtest something.
So I agree with you there.
(Man, now I'm hungry)

Now the nea's.
Gurps has a responsibility, if not a duty, to keep it's fan base 
happy.  Their core customers are expecting "Gurps" Deadlands.  Not 
Deadlands: Gurps.
Deadlands is already getting a major benefit simply by exposing the setting 
to SJG's customer base - some of whom may end up exploring DL further and 
picking up PEG's core books.
But to widen that exposure, the Gurps book should be as close to the 
"standard" Gurps mechanics as possible.

I'm not gonna buy the book.  I don't need it, and as I said - I don't like 
the Gurps mechanics.  But the book isn't targeted at me.


Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Arnold Schwarzenegger:
It was going back...