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[DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20001001

Bobfletch said,

>     You know, what'd really be interesting is if people actually posted
> their favorite characters.  Stats, Edges/Hindrances, a little personality
> and background, etc.  It's always fascinating to see someone's creation.
> Well, to me, anyway.

    My favourite is a very long story :) But basically Lietenant (Retired)
John Burroughs was just an ordinary ex-soldier sniper character who'd seen
too much of the undead at Gettysburg (after having his whole unit killed-
the first half by the union, the second half by the animated corpses of the
first half) and had unravelled at the edges. Originally armed with only
Oath: kill all undead, intolerance: undead, and vengeful, and a Paterson
rifle, he went forth and adventured.
    He became a hexslinger after helping out the Rangers in a few horrible
near-death situations, then was unfortunate enough to get capped. No matter,
one of the golden rules of Deadlands is that if a character really, really
hates the undead...
    So up he popped, pretty angry in general, and now also very hard indeed.
Equipped with his hexes, his harrowed powers and his Implausibly Big Gun he
wandered the west (and briefly the future), taking in such highlights as
shooting both eyes out of a Maze Dragon "because it looked kinda silly with
just the one gaping bullethole", tracking down and killing his former
mentor, a harrowed Texas Ranger, but more importantly gradually sinking into
the dark side. For game group reasons he had to grow more tolerant of the
harrowed, and that combined with his use of harrowed poewrs began to
manifest in a growing lack of human empathy and contempt for the people he'd
once fought for. He was more or less at the good/evil crossroads when he was
permanently retired, having picked a fight with Nic Whateley, the Unknown
Hooded Figure, and some guy called Stone (who fortunately was content to
spectate, which is why the fight lasted two rounds instead of just one).
When last seen he was incapacitated and at the mercy of Stone- now there's a
guy with potential. If I were to run deadlands, which isn't very likely,
he'd be an NPC... but which side would he be on? Who knows.
