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Re: [DL] Period Fiction?

>>I was wondering (as the lady who lives on top of me begins her daily
>>wailing... don't ask) whether anyone can recommend good period fiction?

I probably didn't have to include the whole of the question, but with a 
tagline like that, I really DID have to...

Most of what I could recommend has already been mentioned. Lansdale (managed 
to snag a copy of Razorred Saddles last year and still haven't gotten around 
to it yet), is almost a must.

Turtledove has some good alternative stuff, some leaning towards the 
fantastic (Guns of the South) and some not (How Few Remain and its sequels).

Someone recommended Civil War Fantastic [edited by Martin Greenberg] to me a 
while ago, and I did pick it up, but haven't started reading it yet.

There two more that have been mentioned to me at verious times, one about 
Apaches dealing with Capone and another with Apache's dealing with Nazis, 
both by the same author, Jake Page. The first is called "Apacheria" and the 
second "Operation: Shatterhand."

Apparently, Mr. Page has also collaborated on a non-fiction book about the 
Apache, entitled "Wild Justice: The People of Geronimo versus the United 
States." I don't know much any of the books by this author, as they're still 
in my ever-growing to-be-read pile.

Lastly, just before Christmas, I happened upon a nf book that may be of 
interest to those wanting to putz more with the westward expansion (of which 
I am one), called "Empire Express: Building the First Transcontinental 
Railroad." I don't know if it's in pb yet, and I haven't gotten very far in 
it, but it's not very dry and is actually pretty interesting.
