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[DL] [Vaguely OT] DL Literature - Skull Full Of Spurs

[Recommendation to spend money below...read at your own risk]

As of yesterday, I succeeded in finally finding and buying Skull Full Of
Spurs, the anthology of weird western fiction that I mentioned in an earlier
thread. Those Deadlands fans who like to read to find inspiration should
definitely consider trying to find a copy. It's from a small outfit in
Colorado called Dark Highway Press, but includes tales from such familiar
horror names as Nancy Collins, Jack Ketchum, Richard Laymon, Brian Hodge,
and Rick Hautala (amongst others). Nothing by Joe Lansdale, unfortunately,
but at least they had the sense to dedicate the book to him.

Most anthologies are something of a mixed bag, but this one provided a
uniformly high level of quality. The best title award has to go to The
Devil's Crapper, a story about an outhouse possessed by Satan...there's a DL
scenario seed right there. <g>

It's a hardcover, so it's rather expensive ($29.95, to be exact), and it
might be hard to find, but I thought it was definitely worth the effort.
It's been ten years since Razored Saddles came out, so God only knows when
we might see the next non-Pinnacle collection of this sort.

- Sean Briggs