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[DL] Website update

Since I have a paper to write, what better way to go about it than to post

Our posse's website has been updated (yay!), with Chapter 8 of our
continuing saga (miraculously, no one died *g*), a bunch of character
backgrounds, including J.B. Taft's -the NPC who looks just like Christian
Slater- letters, and a collaborative effort between the two women in our
posse (be afraid, be *very* afraid *g*).

Follow the link in the .sig line if your curiosity has been even remotely
piqued ;-)

Later all,

Daphné "Procrastination is an art form."
Distephano: I thought you were dead.
Ripley: Yeah, I get that a lot.
            -Alien: The Resurrection

Visit Ross Coburn's Deadlands site at: