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[DL] Website update

Hola all!

I couldn't remember if either Ross or I posted news of the latest update to
our posse's website, so apologies if it's already been done.

Plus, it's an excuse for me not to work on my proposal ;-)

So if you're among those who've been following the Carver's Landing saga
with relish, follow my .sig line to read the latest adventure, see a few new
pics. of firearms and the like, and discover a whole new bunch of player
contributions in the forms of letters, diaries, etc. For the real die-hard
fans, Ross has also written up the life and times of J.B. Taft (our resident
NPC Christian Slater lookalike), which is as entertaining as it is long (and
people complained about my write-ups!).

Happy trails!

Daphné "There is absolutely no substitute for a genuine lack of
The careful application of terror is also a form of communication.

Visit Ross Coburn's Deadlands site at: