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[DL] Reflect Hex (Goff)

Been lurking for a while, catching up on reading various 
WW sourcebooks that I seem to keep on buying but never read.  
However I stumbled up on the hex "Reflect" (Hexarcana) and had a few 
questions and was wondering what oeveryone elses thoughts were?

The hex reflects Harrowed Powers/Bolt's O'Doom and Hex's (also Voodoo 
- I think).  The hand gained determines what power level you can 
reflect back at the source.  The power level is rated between 1 and 
11+, this seems slightly excessive to me as Harrowed/Bolt's O'Doom 
can only go to level 5, does that mean that the hex is structured to 
cope with Hexslingers whose skill is 11+?, if so anyone out there got 
any characters who get anywhere near this level?

Also does the character still take damage from the Hex/Bolt O'Doom 
etc, that he is reflecting? - (this might be explained in the text 
and I just missed it - don't have Hexarcana with me at the moment to 

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