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Re: [DL] Language skills-- maybe 50% OT now

--- Dan Davenport <danield@flash.net> wrote:
> Tenebros wrote:
> > From Texas with love,
> > Tenebros
> Really? Whereabouts in Texas?

San Antone.

My brother Mike Scofield (webmonkey of the Waste of
Space websight) has been a member of this and/or the
HOE listservs. I didn't even know about these
listservs until he told me about them. 

Since I am nearly finished with my conversion of
Hunter: The Reckoning into Deadlands (including HOE) I
figured I would slide onto this and the other
listserv. You know, get to know the fine folks who
will be tellin' me if my conversions suck or not. ;)

The conversion (for those who are wondering) is coming
along. I've got a couple people looking it over one
last time. If all is well it will be put up on Waste
of Space ( http://mscof.home.texas.net/index.html

Hopefully we will have it up in time for Halloween. 

Unfortuantely I don't get to play as much as I wish I
could but I try and work on stuff for my bro's
websight as much as I can (mostly its been the
conversion but soon I'll be putting together my first
fully premade adventure revolving around one of the
critters I designed).

So anyhow, I ramble on.


"Alright Paul, your lieing there, three lit sticks of
dynamite nestled between your maimed legs. There are a
half dozen screeching spider things rushing down the
mining tunnel towards you? What do you do?"

"Is the muckraker gonna get away?"

"Yeah. What do you do?"

"Good, I light a cigarette on the burning fuse and try
and get a couple good drags before the spider things
get me ... or the dynamite blows."

(The character died, but I got a fate chip before i
did for playing my tobacco hankerin')


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