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[DL] Scheduling (Was: Question)

Matthaw@aol.com wrote:
> How do the other marshals on this list handle scheduling?  I am assuming
> most, if not all, of you, have like permanent groups, but I have people new
> to roleplaying.  Most of them scoffed at it, but now they don't.  They have
> lots o' events to deal with.  I'd appreciate suggestions if there is any
> other than "be patient and wait" or something like that.  THanks

Maybe this sounds simplistic, but you really do need to find a day,
time, and schedule that everyone in the group can live with on an
extended basis. Playing "when everyone can get together" is a recipe for
a doomed game.


"Beware the inveterate punster, Doyle, it's a sure sign of brewing
mental disturbance." -- Jack Sparks (to Arthur Conan Doyle), _The List
of 7_