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Re: [DL] Disarming shots

--- Daphne Brunelle <dbrune4@po-box.mcgill.ca> wrote:
> So what is the size increment we're supposed to use
> to divide the damage
> total? Is it the size of the target holding the gun,
> or that of the gun
> itself (in which case what the heck is a gun's
> size?)? I'm assuming that the
> total needs to be divided, because if not the TNs
> would be ridiculously
> high.

They are ridiciouisly high, Daphne - to my knowledge
there isn't a size you divide the damage by for the
target number.  If you roll 22 on 3d6 with a pistol
(which Maggie has done) than the target has to make a
strength roll at target 22 to hold on to the gun.  It
makes sense to me - think about how fast a bullet is
going, and how strong a person would have to be to
hang on to a slug slamming into a piece of steel in
their hand.

Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Maggie Jensen

p.s.  And I -highly- recommend shooting guns out of
people's hands if you're a good (i.e. at least 5d12)
gunfighter.  It looks GREAT, it's non-violent, and can
make your reputation for you!

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