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Re: [DL] Reviewing

>I'm planning on doing a number of them, as time and inspiration allows, and
>will encourage my players to do the same.  (List members Daphné and Ann, not
>to mention Daniel fill my inbox with enough Deadlands-related verbiage as it
>is (see web site) that a few really meaty reviews ought to be child's play
>for them, especially if I offer the usual incentive (bribery).
>Ross Coburn

Ah, bribery-- the sleeve-card of every Marshal, including mine. *grin*

That aside, I am willing to write a few reviews (I think we own practically every Deadlands product PEG has released, so I have plenty of fodder for the review treadmill), and I'm sure Marshal James can come up with a reward for the members of our posse who wouldn't normally write a review. However, aside from rpg.net, does anyone know of other review-posting sites? Feel free to send them to me privately, if you do.


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