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Re: [DL] OK, pardners, LISTEN UP!

"SteveL1979@aol.com" <SteveL1979@aol.com> wrote:

> I'm not necessarily saying I'd establish such a policy if I were running
> a website or magazine. But I think it's a perfectly understandable and
> legitimate one, and not a matter of censorship at all.

If they were paying for reviews, or otherwise building their operations
around people who's time and effort they could dictate, I would agree with

However, they are not doing that; they are soliciting free content for their
website, but then telling their potential contributors what they can or
cannot express when they provide them with said free content.  (And let's be
frank, I'm not talking about standard policies like 'please use proper
English' or 'don't swear like a drunken sailor' either.)

Does this make them fascist pigs?  Of course not.  Does it mean I will not
contribute anything to this particular site because I disagree with its
editorial policy?  Absolutely.  Does it mean that I plan on dropping a piano
on Greg?  Well, no more than I did before I read his first post this
morning...  <grin>

My piano beats your whiffle-bat most days of the week, fanboy!  (Now look,
people, please restore my faith in humanity and don't take the last three
sentences seriously.)

Ross Coburn