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[DL] RE:What's wrong with CoC?? (Was: Bigger dice or more of them?_

What's wrong with Cthulhu?  Or what don't you like?  (a better question)
I've been playing for years, and think it is great.  Combat is simple.
Character advancement is simple and realistic.  Bullets kill (humans) with 1
shot (unlike DL).  Monsters are 'nigh-invulnerable.'  There also isn't a lot
of dice rolling.  The game is really a roleplaying game vs. a game of rules.

Another feature I like is as a player, I don't need any rule books.  I've
never bought a rule book (well, I did by the Antarctica adventure as a gift
for the GM).  From a business stand point, I'm sure that's a bad thing, but
I like it.  It makes the game more mysterious.  I always hated that fact
that any good D&D player could quote most of the rules or owned all the rule
books.  It puts the Rules of the Game ahead of the Roleplaying aspect.  And
CoC is definately about the Roleplaying more than anything else.

Don't get me wrong, I love DL.  It's become my favorite game.  And I'm not
disagreeing with your opinion.  I'm just curious to learn more about your


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Ross [mailto:arosslaw@earthlink.net]
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 1:55 AM
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: [DL] Bigger dice or more of them?


I'm gearing up to run an 1890's Cthulhu game using the Deadlands rules.
I love the CoC setting and adventures, but can't stand the system, so
every now and then I try converting it over to yet another game system
and giving it a whirl. So far I've tried GURPS, Unisystem, Over the Edge
and Castle Falkenstein. While all worked to one degree or another, none
of them really grabbed me, so now its Deadlands turn.