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Re: [DL] Reluctant Player Member

> That aside I came up with a pretty neat idea for my own game.  the idea is
> simple but I think that it may only work for certian types of systems.
> 5 players.
> all 5th level.
> The game starts with them haveing a lich's death curse put on them.  Each
> and every member of the party has exactly 5 weeks to live.  So the heros
> have a choice, die in bed unfullfilled or go out with a bang.  Guess which
> they picked?
> Each character has to submit a death wish.  something that they will
> before the final day.  and each week the party will attempt to make that
> goal come true for that character.  In the end it's a limited game with
> highlites and the players make the outline of the game for me.  Neat huh?
> I'm still trying to figure a way for this to carry over into deadlands but
> may never get to.  the process is just a little too different.

You could just have Stone show up and tell them that he's going to kill them
in 5 weeks, sooner if they try to go to anybody like the Agency or Rangers.
Hell, it's just as good as a death curse!

Nick Zachariasen
Editor Emeritus
Trojan Times