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Re: [DL] How do you run a Rattler? [mild spoilers]

I've had a few headaches while trying to run Rattler combat myself. 
Non-humanoids are the one part of combat that gives me a serious problem.

A few suggestions, though.

(1) Armour. I had thought that Rattlers had more armour than 1. In this 
instance, it may not have made a serious difference, but rolling 5d10 rather 
than 5d12 might have. NEVER forget armour.

(2) Cover. Rattlers are intelligent. They're not just going to erm..."rear" 
there and undulate while bullets plow into their hides. They move at Pace 18 
while underground, and can pretty well feel where the posse is by them 
running around. Send it back underground and bring a tentacle up under 
another posse member. They might hit a tentacle when it wriggles up out of 
the ground, but they'll only do 1 or 2 points to it with a gun. They want to 
do more, they have to get their hands dirty.

(3) Strength. Get caught in the tentacles and you get to fight a resisted 
3d12 fight with the critter. Personally, I'd have Wind done to the char every 
round due to crushing damage while he's being reeled in. The thing is going 
to eat him, for Shaft's sake, not invite him down for crumpets. It isn't 
going to be gentle.

Keep those three things in mind, and Rattlers make the top of the "we are so 
hosed" list.

--Jacques (Chris' friend)