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RE: [DL] the problems Manitou face (slight spoiler)

> when you kill someone then the fear that
> they are generating stops, so why would the Reckoners
> and by default the Manitou be trying to make the world
> more deadly? 

A whole bunch of living people all have a little bit of fear.
Kill one of them, and now all of them have a LOT more fear, especially if
they witnessed some totally random, horrific killing (Children and/or clowns
help).  Then they will tell two friends, who will tell two friends, etc...
Knowing that some really F'ed up S can happen to them, will scare the
bejesus out of them!

Besides, if they kept everyone alive, how scary would it *really* be?
It's like the difference between watching a movie and watching the news.
Which one scares you more?
