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[DL] Re: (DL) Guts Wounds and Wind

Well, here's the way the math works as I saw it:

The bandit is at 1 Guts Wound, 1 Arms Wound, Wind 3.
Hit once in the gizzards (which count as guts) for 3
Wounds to take him to 4 Guts Wounds. This hit causes
15 Wind, which takes him to -12. His starting Wind is
12, so he takes 1 more Guts Wound and is dead, dead,

The player was thinking that you don't go into
negative wind from a hit, no matter how much Wind
damage is rolled; you drop to 0, stop counting Wind
damage from the hit, and then start bleeding to death
- so it would take him 6 rounds to bleed to death.

I don't know that they're trying to keep anyone alive.
Basically, I'm new at the game, and the player is not.
He's caught more than a few combat errors on my part
(for which I'm actually grateful, since I want to get
better at this) and has historically made the call
whether it helps or hinders the party - he's not
trying to cheese anything, just make sure the rules
are properly followed.

Usually I just look it up and he's right, but in this
case I didn't see anything in the book about it, and
called it a 'house rule' to go my way. But if you guys
can point me to a different opinion, I'd likely change
it back.

- Ivan

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