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RE: [DL] I dont wanna go on a rant here

Having worked in PC support for about 10 years now I can truthfully say it's
easy to say "How hard can it be to ..." until you have to deal with the
yourself and try to solve it.  

Some problems defy solution.  Live with it. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Noyes
To: hoe@gamerz.net
Cc: deadlands@gamerz.net
Sent: 5/30/01 11:32 PM
Subject: [DL] I dont wanna go on a rant here

Hey everyone I dont wanna sound like I am going on a rant but what is it
people cant understand about no html to the list since it screws with
the digest. I know AOL's mail program encodes in html automatically but
come on how hard is it to get a damn hotmail account and configure
outlook express to use that and just use plain text for the send
Thanks for hearing me out
    Matt Noyes