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[DL] Re: Civil War Reenactors

I'd never join one of those keen groups,even though I love watching them, 
specificaly because I play and read WAAAAYY too much Deadlands....I'd just 
end up getting confused...
Re-enactor Dude:So here's your weapon and your part, have fun!
Me:Uh....I have a question...
RD:go ahead!
Me: If Im union, when do I get my Gatling Pistol?
RD: What? no we dont have a gatling gun here....
Me: no...I mean a gatling pistol...never mind, so does the ghostly evil 
Black Regiment show up before or after the fallen soldiers rise from their 
shallow graves to eat the flesh of their former comrades?
RD:um.....uh.....er...::now white as a sheet while wondering to now just 
patronise me while dialing 911 or just call for security::

or maybe im just reading abit much into this...

Marshal Mike Stevens                 Wirebrain@hotmail.com
San Jose Ca                          AEG Bounty Hunter #229
Fanime Tabletop Captain
"It's The Kickball Sucking Monster!Try this at home Kids!"
                     Vash the Stampede

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