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RE: [DL] PC's Dyin'

Must be nice to lose 'em one at a time like that ;-)  Tho, to be honest, I
don't usually get to kill the posse members myself...

My group is a long time DnD bunch, so finding a game where the GM says
"Sure, you can buy TNT, the SouthBend Supply Co. store has four crates, how
many sticks you want?" made many eyes light up.  The first posse (yup, I
said posse) died when a group of banditos attacked their camp -- the one PC
had several sticks in his pockets, and decided to shove a stick down one
bandito's pants and then shove the bandito into the campfire.  Excellent
plan, until the PC went bust on his wrasslin' roll and falls into the fire
hisself, and all six sticks go off.  I had him roll for massive fire damage,
and I'll be darned if the player didn't roll all the damage to his
legs/pants!  One PC lived -- the Outlaw Jose Wales (no relation).

Not too long later, the next posse to go was in a saloon.  Three gents in
suits walk into the building and approach the posse.  One happens to be of
Mexican descent. "Ah hates mexicans!  Ah fan him!" shouts one PC (Really did
have a maxed out intolerance hinderance, so I gave him a chip for the
trouble he was going to be in.  Little did anyone expect...) The 3 NPCs were
representatives of a scientific enclave (ok, Scientologists, but they aren't
like in real life) and the Mexican was wearing a flamethrower.  Turned off
and nozzles holstered, but still, if you shoot from the side you can still
hit the tanks!  Took the whole saloon out.  One PC lived -- the Outlaw Jose
Wales (no relation).

The next posse to pass into the great beyond did so on their feet (special
portal into a small corner of the Hunting Grounds ;-), but soon found a way
to blow themselves up.  The guard at the portal was a flame thrower wearin'
nasty.  With spare tanks.  Lots of melee attacks (very careful melee
attacks!) took him out.  Later, on encountering the main baddie, the big
finale ensues.  The blessed in the group gets a great idea-- use one of the
spare flamethrower fuel tanks on the
semi-automaton-head-on-a-steam-powered-body-with-armor bad guy.  PC #2 runs
to get the tank.  The blessed says "Great, now slide it over here to me!" --
he's in melee with the baddie.  PC #2 rolls nicely, sliding the tank to
right at the blessed's feet.  The blessed picks up the tank, putting the
straps on so the tank is on his chest, then wrassles the baddie.  "Now shoot
the tank!!!"  One PC lived -- the Outlaw Jose Wales (no relation) had gotten
lost earlier and had just started to approach the sounds of combat.

The funny thing is, Jose sucks.  (From a munchkin power gamer point of
view.)  He's got terrible stats, he's old, and he's a drunkard.  But he's
role played well, and so has chips for in a pinch, and his player is danged
lucky -- getting honest 20+ results on 2d4 kinda lucky.

Then there's the occasional harrowed that gets "out-ed" to the posse, and
they kill a PC.  I have had a few single PC deaths that I was responsible
for, maybe five.  And that's for a couple of years of Deadlands play,
including the Night Train. (Only lost one PC there!!!  Well, two, but he was
in the engine of the train with a half-full crate of TNT, and had placed a
box of nitro in the box car on his way to the engine.  His plan was to place
lite a fuse and jump, but busted on a roll.  The TNT explosion splits the
boiler, which exploded, violently stopping the train, which caused the box
of nitro to slam into the front of the box car and explode.  The train was
empty, so only one PC got caught in that mess.  His head was found by the
one PC I managed to kill with the baddies -- still trying to talk, the
harrowed little bugger.  Four bullets into the animated head completely
ended that PC!  But he still wasn't one of my kills.)

Oh, and I've had three train engines destroyed by this bunch.  They don't
seem to have much luck with trains.

Jeff Y.
Marshal for the Dynamite Gang.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
> Behalf Of Evil Robot Shane From Another Dimension
> Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 9:50 AM
> To: deadlands@gamerz.net
> Subject: Re: [DL] PC's Dyin'
> On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 03:49:38AM +0000, Reuben McCallum said:
>  Hmm, well he said something about PC mortality rates that my mail program
>  won't quote because it was in HTML.
>  Anyway, my campaign's been running for about (*counts on fingers*) seven
>  months, and there's been (*counts on fingers*) four deaths.  And two
>  characters who left the group, because their players left the group.
>  Spoilers!