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Re: [DL] PC's Dyin'

Well, this story's for HoE, but it's one of those things that makes me proud
to be a Marshal, so here goes.  I'd put in spoilers, but as it happened in
the first five minutes of the adventure, I feel no real need.

Apocalype Now:  Blackhats pull up, combat begins.  Outnumbered 5-to-1, the
Templar and Psyker decide to step up and go Rambo on the Blackhats.  Out
comes the Templar's sword, Psyker uses his Brainblast to blow up one of the
ATVs.  Three down, next action, the other seven Blackhats that they've
telegraphed their locations to open fire.  Both fail their Vigor rolls, both
already used up their chips trying to look like badasses(The Templar was
Cursed, anyway.), so they pass out.  Having now advertised that they're a
Templar and a Psyker, once the Blackhats have them unconscious, they make
sure they don't wake up.  End of game.