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Re: [DL] stupid PC tricks

 This isn't an action packed stunt but a stupid stunt nonetheless. My posse
(save one) has a problem keeping their characters. They don't end up dying,
they just end up not likeing the characters they have created. (I've
actually had to put a stop to this, it was getting rather ridiculous.)
Anyway, we had just begun an adventure and no sooner than we were all
getting settled into a wild little town, one of the posse members, a priest,
decided that he no longer wanted to be a priest. (He had just started
playing with this character, I guess the town offered too much sinful fun
for him.) In his hotel room, he flew into a rage, ripping his collar off and
denouncing God, he threw his bible out the window....Well, suffice it to say
I was shocked and thought it a moot point to roll on the Sinnin' Table.
After the adventure, he dropped this character like a bad habit. What he
doesn't realize, is that these characters are still very much a part of our
game, and that there are consequences for their actions. So he just handed
me a beautiful NPC that he will be meeting again someday soon. Sadly for him
though, this NPC is now a wandering, psychotic, ex-priest who is inhabited
by several nasty manitou with a penchant for nailing people to trees.
