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Re: [DL] Corruption [completely OT]

--- Matthew Hanson <deviantsevant@msn.com> wrote:
> AKA Uber-Munchkin! =]  

Depends really on how the Marshall wants to handle it.
Here’s my “first cup of coffee in the morning” take on
the matter. Munchkins can be slapped down when the
amusing turns to unbalancing. It’s no real surprise
that White Wolf Werewolf/Vampires are known as

<Spoiler Potential>

Lycanthropy: IMO this doesn’t play well with Harrowed.
When you do the big death thing, the curse drops off
and stays off. A Harrowed’s body is no longer a
dynamic organism. The co-pilot now in the Harrowed’s
brain is working hard at keeping the body in stasis,
it’ll not look fondly at a sudden desire to change
into a wolf-man. This mindset comes from playing White
Wolf’s “Wraith” for a few years where their Risen show
a close similarity to the idea of a Harrowed. So, I
wouldn’t set the player continue on as a Were. Once
they’re Harrowed that’s it.

Mad Scientist: This ability depends on having other
little nefarious critters come along and whisper sweet
everythings in the character’s ear. Since the guy is
Harrowed, there is already a little nefarious critter
inside his head and this one has called dibs on the
character. Being that the other creatures aren’t
famous for playing nicely with each other I wouldn’t
allow any others to come too close without at least
some resistance rolls. Tell the character that he
can’t seem to come up with any ideas presently as
there’s this loud annoying voice in his head shouting
“I can’t hear you…..dum de dum de dum. I’m not
listening.” Give the player a concept that consists
entirely of the lyrics to “Baby one time.”

Huckster: Sort of like dealing with the Mad Scientist
angle. The little critter inside the character’s head
is going to try and keep all other little critters
away from its property. Sometimes it’ll work, most
often it won’t. Just think, if what you’ve contacted
managed to kick its way past your inhabiting demon so
easily, what makes you think you’re more than a match
for it?

In summary: IMO when you become Harrowed a lot of
things become more difficult. Your body is dead, it
just has a dedicated caretaker. You’re possessed by a
nefarious entity, one that’ll try and keep other
nefarious entities away. It’s a territory thing. A
turf war if you will. If a Marshall wishes to, they
can reduce the power level of their characters
accordingly with their circumstances.

Mr. B

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