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Re: [DL] Looking for random help

--- Matthew Hanson <deviantsevant@msn.com> wrote:
> You know, what is it with players wanting to be all
> fubar'd? It seems to me not having anything funky
> and damning in her past or present makes her the
> MOST unique character of the bunch and the most
> likely to survive! See, when I started playing, the
> game was ordinary people against extraordinary odds.
> Now it seems to have degraded into monsters fighting
> monsters.  

I'll second that - I LOVE to play "normals" almost
exclusively.  To me, anyway, they get to develop so
much more personality in game because they're not
always worrying about what's coming out of their past
at them.  Not to mention those bounty that don't go to
spells make for a more rounded character who can spend
on Survival, Ridicule, Climbing, and other day to day
essentials that can help save the party in between all
the monster fighting.  

Damn, I miss Maggie...

Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Captain Sydney Mallory

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