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[DL] Sins against the Death Star

> --- Lisa Kenison <lisa.kenison@asu.edu> wrote:
> >  can we talk about what constitutes sinning or maybe
> > why the death star
> > didn't shoot the moon/planet to get to the rebel
> > base sooner...

A)  The three components of a sin are:
        1) Grievous Moral Offense
        2) Sufficient Reflection
        3) Full Consent of the Will

B)  The first Death Star didn't shoot the rebel base sooner because it's the
size of a small moon itself, and it would take time to rotate the ship and
bring the Superlaser to bear on Yavin Four.  Also, it had to hit the planet
squarely to destroy it.  Tarkin had plenty of time to aim at Alderaan before
bringing Leia up to the observation deck, but this time, he wanted to catch
the Rebels before they got a chance to evacuate or bring up defenses, and he
had to work quickly.  Imagine his embarrassment if he'd only grazed the
planet and given them a new Grand Canyon or something.
     The second Death Star didn't get to the rebel base because it was meant
to lure the Rebels into a trap.  Of course, this still doesn't forgive the
Emperor for not looking at the destruction of the previous Death Star and
thinking "Hmm...Maybe we should shield that reactor or something."