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Re: [DL] My thoughts on Attack on America

<<<<<Hi I would like to say that I'm a worried Canadian, Not for want 
happened in
New York and Washington today but what will happen in the days to come.
Since Bush as made the claim that he'll punished any Country responsible for
hiding the people behind the attack, All ready Afghanistan capital of Tabal
has bin attacked. Officially the US has denied doing the but I personally
think that Ben Laden doesn't have Cruise Missiles,>>>>>>>

You are too ignorant for me to dignify this with responding. But I'm just in 
a bad enough mood to do so anyway, asshole. First point: You are NOT worried 
that two of the most important cities in Western Civiliazation?(The Financial 
and Political Capitols of YOUR NATIONS MOST IMPORTANT ALLY) have been 
violently attacked by a cabal of madmen? You aren't worried that there is a 
very slick, very well organized fanatical group willing to sacrifice 
themselves and hundreds of others for a non-sensical cause? These terror 
bombings don't help ANYONE. They won't aid the Terrorist's cause. It's 
needless destruction, and quite frankly, profoundly evil. I never believed in 
Evil until today. Second, the Afghanistan rebels, under a new, evidently more 
proactive leader, have told independent news agencies that THEY  are the ones 
responsible for the attacks on KABUL. So your stupid fucking conspiracy 
theory about the US Military randomly bombing a target in Afghanistan's 
capitol only hours after a terrorist incident in the US doesn't hold water, 
and frankly, trivializes the horror of this whole situation by trying to get 
the US blamed for something. Fuck You. The United States, hell, NO ONE 
deserves this senseless act of murder. It's sheer evil. It's murder, plain 
and simple. It goes against every society on the planet. Islamic law would 
condemn this. It doesn't serve any "freedom fighter" cause. It doesn't gain 
anything for anyone. Its' pointless, stupid destruction.

<<<<<Personally I think were on the cup of a another war, God help us all if 
stumbling in to one.>>>>>

A war against who? What kind of war? A war against terrorism? An 
unconventional war? A conventional war? A Nuclear war? The idea that World 
War 3 will stem from this even is ludicrous, and, again, stupid.

I'm sick of people thinking "Oh no! Those evil Americans will go and kill 
babies for this!"  instead of "Oh my God! what a horrible act of terrorism!"

I'm American. I'm Proud of it. I like my Government. I trust my Military, and 
I believe I have damn good reasons to do all of that. I don't believe in 
Conspiracy Theories.
I am sickened and horrified by this, and I expect every worthwhile person on 
the planet will share my revulsion. I would certainly be sickened and 
horrified if Montreal suffered a terrorist act. (Not obviously I wouldn't 
take it quite so personally.)

If you think otherwise, Go To Hell.

Oh, and if my tone is inflammatory: Good. I'm still recovering from this bad, 
bad day, and I'll be damned if I'm going to allow anyone to disrespect the 
thousands of dead and dying.