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Re: [DL] A certain guy who comes around the 25th of December (MARSHALS ONLY SPOILERS)

--- Ceiu430@aol.com wrote:
>  All you players skeddadle. GIT . . .
> world. The first RVC mentioned Paul Bunyan and John
> Henry,
First off, John Henry is a real person that became
Harrowed (though I suppose a Living Legend version of
him could pop up).

 if I remember correctly. And what would the
> Reckoners think of Santa? He would certainly go a
> long way towards lowering some Fear Levels. 
Keep in mind that the encounters described in RV&C
with the Living Legends of Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill
ended in a tragic manner even though neither is
particularly evil.

>  So what do you guys think? Perhaps in a world
> without a Santa Claus your posse would have to
> create one? And I'm sure the minions of the
> Reckoners would do their damnedest to try and stop
> them. Sure it does seem kind of hokey. But I
> sometimes like Holiday themed adventures. What do
> you guys think is this worthy of an adventure?I have
> my own ideas on how to set it up. How would you guys
> set it up?
How about something like in The Nightmare Before
Christmas, where the presents left behind are of an
unpleasant nature.

And speaking of Nast, wasn't he the one that came up
with the Republicans being symbolised with an elephant
and the Democrats with a jackass?

I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress.

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