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[DL] A certain guy who comes around the 25th of December (MARSHALS ONLY SPOILERS)


 All you players skeddadle. GIT . . .

Okay Marshals still there?

Alright, I was just reading Back East The North and discussing it with my girlfriend when she pointed out an interesting idea. In Back East, it mentions that the Masons did away with Thomas Nast right? Well, if  my girlfriend and I remember correctly Nast is the guy who came up with the image of Santa Claus that is so predominant in the world today. So any specualtions on how this will effect the Deadlands world? I'm sure some of the immigrant groups keep thee legend of St Niklaus alive. Also legends have away of coming to life in the Deadlands world. The first RVC mentioned Paul Bunyan and John Henry, if I remember correctly. And what would the Reckoners think of Santa? He would certainly go a long way towards lowering some Fear Levels. 
 So what do you guys think? Perhaps in a world without a Santa Claus your posse would have to create one? And I'm sure the minions of the Reckoners would do their damnedest to try and stop them. Sure it does seem kind of hokey. But I sometimes like Holiday themed adventures. What do you guys think is this worthy of an adventure?I have my own ideas on how to set it up. How would you guys set it up?