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RE: [DL] Fear and some other questions

> -----Original Message-----

> Hi all!

> 3. How do I handle players that cannot find a fitting
> character "class"? It seems that one of my players never
> stays with one char because the char gets incompatible to
> the rest of the posse.

This really hurts group play.  A revolving door of characters destroys my
suspension of disbelief.  Have him and the rest of the posse determine what
their group wants to accomplish.  That way he could have a better chance of
keeping with the rest of the group.  A left-wing Vegan isn't a good
character concept when the rest of the characters are escaped Texan convicts
(what a great idea of a posse!).

Having said that, don't let him be told what to purchase when it comes time
to spend chips.  This will make him feel like he isn't really playing a
character but instead a video game.

The Thornlord

"I learned that from a China-man."
"I just made that up."
- Wild Wild West