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Re: [DL] Gommorra Info

> 1) Who or What Was knicknevin and how was he/she/it Destroyered?

Knicknevin was a very powerful manitou that attempted to bridge the gap
between the physical world and the hunting grounds. His location of choice
for this little endeavor was Gomorra.

The manitou was destroyed by a Coalition including many of the DT factions.
At a vital moment, Austin Stoker shot the Ghost with the Holy Wheel Gun,
setting loose the Ghost's manitou. The Ghost - under the manitou's control
- then destroyed Knicknevin.

> 2) Does anyoner have a good map of the town?

Check Doomtown or Bust for a map of the town (circa episodes 7-9).

Also, Doomtown or Bust has a more in depth description of Knicknevin and
his plan. For the story of Knicknevin's fall, check out "A Wilderness of
Tigers" on the Alderac web site.

B. D. Flory

"Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated."
                                             -Ernest Hemingway