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[DL] Announcing--Lone Stars: The Texas Rangers Sourcebook

At 01:26 PM 10/20/2001, Markus Finster wrote:
>one of my players plays a Texas Ranger. An ex-slave black Harrowed Texas
>Ranger, to be exact. (He likes to play 'threedimensional characters'.)
>Anyway, he ran into a couple of Pinkertons during his adventures and was
>stunned about their methods and equipments. They have gizmos, procedures,
>codes - and all he has is his Ranger Bible.
>So he's bugging me about what Aces the Rangers have up their sleeves.
>Up to now I told him that that's just it - the rangers rely on the hearts
>and minds of brave man. No further help (besides legal authority throughout
>the Confederacy) deems General King and the Big Players in the CSA
>necessary. Some people might even keep the Texas Rangers low on
>Pinkerton-like-equipment on purpose.
>What are the benefits for a Texas ranger in your campaigns (because the pay
>sure isn't)? Do they have any rules to follow, or pre-arranged codes to use?
>do they heave to file a report after their missions?

         Son, you just got yer wish....:-)

         Please let me share the good news with the whole Listserver: I am 
right now hard at work on the long-awaited, oft-requested Texas Rangers 
Sourcebook. It'll be 128 pages of Dual-Statted goodness, and it will MORE 
than level the playing field between Rangers and those pantywaist Agency 
         It's still in the draft stage, but I have addressed all the points 
you raise in your post. I can't say much about them in detail because of 
that, but rest assured, my aim is to give you everything you need to make 
your Ranger the Stone Cold Steve Austin of DL.;-) (Kick-Wham-Stunner-Dead 
Zombie:-) ).
         Look for the book sometime in first quarter '02. I have to go 
finish it now, so 'nite all!

Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Freelance Writer for the Deadlands: The Weird West RPG Line
Moderator of the New Gamers Order Listserver
Southern by the Grace of God