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[DL] Pestilance gets up at the crack of Dawn...

 <A HREF="http://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/13/health/anatomy/13BERM.html";>New 
York Was Bioterrorism Target, in 1864</A> 

If this has already been mentioned, sorry. But this has great Deadlands 
applications, given the variety of...


...supernatural diseases that plague the east since the Reckoning. I figure 
that while this first attempt might have failed, the plotters (who'd 
eventually become evil and corrupted) and later the Doppleganger, would 
certainly endeavor to pull off more plagues of major Northern cities. (for 
another take, how about the North dropping diseases from their airship fleet 
over Southern cities)
The USA and CSA might gear up bacteiriological research (Kind of an unholy 
combination of Patchwork Science and Alchemy, if theses researches are of the 
"mad" variety.) 

Back East campaigns can include posses trying to stop foul CSA\USA agents 
from spreading the Wasting throughout the North, or for a more devilish note, 
have the players be the agents spreading the diseases. 

And what better place to test these horrific diseases than Out West? Perhaps 
a derailed train and mysterious canisters being sent to Fort 51 can be linked 
to a number of terrifying, unexplained deaths along Union Blue rail lines?

Just some thoughts.