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Re: [DL] Texas Rangers (Spoilers for Non-Ranger Players)

Good evening, and thanks for the questions!

And: Hi, Dr. Nick!;-)

At 09:45 PM 11/18/2001, Eric Avedissian wrote:
>Hey Chris,
>Is Lone Stars going to explore the Ranger's Bible a little more? I'm
>curious to see how it's organized and who (or what) is in there.

At 09:55 PM 11/18/2001, Dr. Nick Zachariasen of the Collegium wrote:
>I'd like to echo that request.  It'd be great to see what rank of Ranger
>knows what, and just how much is known about how much overall, particularly
>the Judges.

         To answer Eric's querie first, the whole Posse Territory is 
formatted as one of the "Special Edition" copies of _Fugitives from Justice 
in the Confederacy_, so you more or less *get* a copy of the Ranger Bible 
when you buy the book. If you're referring specifically to the "Monster 
Guide" part, that's definitely included (by the by, that's the part I'm 
praying I'll be done with tomorrow night).
         As for The Esteemed Dr. Nick's inquiries, how much a Ranger of a 
given rank knows has already largely been laid out by the Shanester in the 
Marshal's Handbook, on page 109. To wit: unless you're a VERY high-ranking 
Ranger, you're stuck with wiring HQ for information on what you're 
fighting, and praying the one guy there with the "Special Edition" Ranger 
Bible can find the (correct) 411 in time.
         How much do the Rangers know about the Hangin' Judges? Not enough, 
I'm afraid.;-)

         Thanks again for the questions, and for your interest in Lone Stars!

Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Freelance Writer for the Deadlands: The Weird West RPG Line
Moderator of the New Gamers Order Listserver
Southern by the Grace of God