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Re: [DL] Texas Rangers

At 03:11 AM 11/19/2001, Markus Finster wrote:
>Some other thing I wanted to know: the Law Dogs DB mentions that Texas
>Rangers are not issued a badge - though there are some references to Rangers
>flashing or hiding their badge in other books and I figured it is the
>general opionion, that they do have one.

         Yes, Rangers carry badges. Lone Stars will say so.;-)

>If yes - what did (or does?) a Texas Ranger badge look like?

         To a great extent, I feel obligated to say, "Just like it's 
pictured on page 102 of the Players Guide", because that's the picture 
Marshals point at when they say, "Here's what a Ranger looks like."

At 11:51 AM 11/19/2001, Allan Seyberth wrote:
>It's confusion regarding the fact that historically, Texas Rangers didn't 
>have an official badge until 1935 - though there is some indication that 
>unofficial badges were used.  Such badges were never a standard issue though.

         I know giving Rangers badges is ahistorical, and some folks (the 
Inestimable Steve Long, for one) feel rather strongly that history should 
be honored in this case. However, as Markus points out, there's been so 
many references to Ranger badges in other books I think it's 
counterproductive to say otherwise now.
         Anyone who's familiar with my previous work knows I love to 
incorporate as much history into it as possible, but an Official Ranger 
Badge simply must be at this point. Besides, I think you all will enjoy my 
"take" on the Lone Star Badge in the Ranger SB (Hint: it's not just a hunk 
of tin anymore).

At 04:29 PM 11/19/2001, Munch Wolf wrote:
>If Rangers didn't have badges, what credintials did
>they show to prove they were Rangers?  Aka, what's to
>stop a Posse member from wandering around claiming to
>be a Ranger when he's not?

         Kudos to Munch (or is it "Mr. Wolf"?:-) ) for asking the 
CS$1,000,000 Question! That's my other reason for giving Rangers badges for 
good and all. It just doesn't make sense for an organization with national 
jurisdiction *not* to have some kind of ID (though I think the LeMat 
Undertaker will say 'Ranger' louder and better than the Badge ever will.;-) ).

Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Freelance Writer for the Deadlands: The Weird West RPG Line
Moderator of the New Gamers Order Listserver
Southern by the Grace of God