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[DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20011210

>> Hey now, before Silverado, Jurassic Park, & Independence Day, there was
New Jersey... [snip]

>Ah, yes, I shan't forget that imagery.  Was your hexslinger as much of an
>absolute dork as Jersey?
>As a side note, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
>comes out on DVD January 4th!  Now you, too, can witness the sheer stupidiy
>of early Jeff Goldblum!

Is my hexslinger as much of an absolute dork as Jersey?  In a nutshell, yes.
Picture if you will, a cross between Goldblum in BB & the dimestore writer
in Unforgiven (basically the head of the writer & the body/outfit of
Goldblum).  He's this New Jersey Jewish kid who wants to grow up like Doc
Holiday.  Started out going around the West with a travelling circus calling
himself Johnny "Utah" Montana (hey, he'd get NO respect going as Reuven
Goldstein) & doing all these crazy stunts with trickshooting.  Definitely a
geek, goes weak in the knees around women, (which should be a Hindrance if
you ask me) & not too well liked by Men of the Wild West.  But anybody who
can shoot the holster off a would be bully & then shoot the holstered gun
out the door before it falls gets some grudging respect.  (Hey, I called it,
the Marshall figured out the 'to hit' number & I hit it with ease.  Of
course, Bullseye helped a lot)  At any rate, he's a fun character to play
sometimes; especially when he goofs......  Oh remind me to tell you how he
got on Mao, tHC's bad side one fight....

Jeff S.