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[DL] Televangelists

>> If I recall correctly (don't have the book) the Blessed Laying On Hands
>says  [snip]

>I think the standard penalty for failure is fair.  Otherwise they could
>go around healing everyone left and right [snip]

Ah, but there's the rub, see a Blessed wouldn't be going around healing just
anyone;  I mean, nothing more embarrassing than to say you're gonna heal
someone, do the televangelist "You are HEEEAAALLLED!!!" bit, & nothing
happens.  I dunno, I still think the receiving similar wounds for not making
the roll is a bit harsh.  Maybe Wind loss, plus you can't use that blessing
for a day....

Oh, and anyone without Faith is considered fair game in the eyes of the
Lord.  :)

And as for the idea of a Huckster playing Bridge, well yeah, he'd have to
somehow call up three manitous--guess that's why most hucksters don't play
bridge.  All that blatant cheating going on amongst the three demons.
(first one: I bid three Hearts. Huckster's partner: I bid seven No Trump!!
Huckster: Seven No Trump!!!?!?!?! Are you insane??!!!!!! third manitou: