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Re: [DL] A few Questions (Shane or PEG crew)

In a message dated 1/2/2002 11:22:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, dbrune4@po-box.mcgill.ca writes:

As in, cancelled cancelled, or put on the back burner cancelled? I was
looking forward to that one, since I run my posse in Kansas...

Oh well. If it's cancelled cancelled I'll just buy the Epitaph and make do. ;)


Cancelled cancelled. There really just wasn't enough new material for me to feel good about putting it out as originally intended. So I'm taking the critical new stuff and putting it in the Epitaph where it belongs.

When we had Gareth writing it (see the "Where the Hell is?" article), we just figured he'd add enough new to Dodge to make it worthwhile. When I took it over from scratch, it just seemed better to give you only what was important and not lots of information that only created more mysteries or repeated what was already written in the original Quick and the Dead or the Marshal's Handbook.

