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[DL] Horror vs Action

Deadlands is awesome in that it allows you to run different atmospheres within 
the same gaming world. My question concerns how to effectively portray a 
horror atmosphere when running a game with more than one or two posse members.

My adventures have all been solo adventures. I create a plot for one player 
and then if there becomes a need for additional characters, I simply fill the 
temporary roles with NPCs. Running an adventure for a single player makes it 
very easy to 'scare' the player. It makes the player feel alone (because he 
is) and all the horror scenes are that much more intense.

I'd like to start running adventures for larger groups, like 5+ posse members. 
I wondering how other have dealt with keeping up the horror and fear aspect of 
the game with such a large posse. How did you keep it from becoming an monster 
hunting action adventure?

My only thought is to constantly seperate them and have them go on their own 
'mini plots' meeting up with one another periodically.

Thanks in advance for any help in the matter.


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