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Re: [DL] harrowed....


In a message dated 1/22/02 12:38:03 PM US Mountain Standard Time, shoffner@usit.net writes:

I'm no one official, but here's my 2 cents

Please, bear with me.  I know players couldn't actually play walking dead,
but how about this:  dead character comes back as a walking dead, you pull
that player over to one side & say, "You didn't come back harrowed, BUT the
manitous want to have some fun with the posse.  Now, if you're willing, I'll
let you go back in there with your dead character, act it up that you came
back harrowed, etc., BUT you're actually a manitou that wants to throw a
monkey wrench into the posse.  Now, if you do play act this really good, for
your next character, I'll give you a bonus of some bounty points that can be
used on a 1:1 basis for skills. Whaddaya say?"

How about if they pull an ace for harrowed, or maybe a duece?

Now, this only works if there is no discernible difference between the
walking dead & the harrowed.  I would say there isn't much, other than
walking dead probably have no memories of its previous life.  My story
encounter was to have the posse hook up with a NPC who is meeting a group of
folks.  Only problem is they are just recently killed & no one knows
it--yet.  So, have the walking dead pretend they're really the good guys
until the posse is at a disadvantage, then do as much damage as possible.

I don't really think the walking dead are capable of intelligent conversation.  It's usually a single manitou animating them, and not actually possesing them...maybe in the case of a special manitou however...or you could have the leader of the npc's come back harrowed and not know it, the zombies could either be animated by another manitou, or give the harrowed the unholy host power.  In the later case the manitou used it by taking control before the leader "woke up".  This would work if you didn't want the dead to know they were dead either