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Re: [DL] Experience in DL and D20 comment

>Well, I like both Deadlands rule sets, but as a D&D player from waaay
>back (15 years or so), I also like the fact that D20 settings are
>designed to be interchangeable.  So if you want to play a Gnome
>Fringer-Mad Scientist-Artificer (three classes from three different
>settings, each with considerable mechanical skill - from Star Wars,
>Deadlands, and Forgotten Realms), you can.  And, although it hasn't
>really been detailed for D20, you can use the old Planescape setting
>(nexus of the multiverse-type stuff) to bring together all the
>disparate elements that otherwise would have no business being in the
>same place.  Each setting has its unique elements, but none is
>generally overpowered in comparison to the others.  Now, this
>combination isn't really something I'd want to play as more than a
>once-in-a-while diversion, but it's nice to know the possibility
Shhh!!!  Thats crazy talk,  Last time someone attempted this, the unholy 
abomination of Rifts was given birth.  There is madness down that path.  
Very munchkin Madness.  :)


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