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Re: [DL] Mini's

> On 2/25/02 2:00 AM, Michael Robert Blair wrote:

> For historical figures try Wargames Foundry at
> http://www.wargamesfoundry.com/. Their Old West and Victorian Bystanders
> figures are lovely.
> Not that I am suggesting you should not buy the Pinnacle figures, just that
> sometimes you need more 'normal' figures as well.

I was going to post almost the exact same message...

Then realized I've something to add!  Foundry mini's are 25mm scale compared
with the 28-30mm of Deadlands mini's.  Although, Foundry mini's have horses
and riders...  They also have "regiment" packs so you can get 30 something
Union/Confederate soldiers for about US$35.00.

(Just so that PEG knows I've already bought about 80+% of the Deadlands mini
line, so there!) ;-)  Actually I'd like to see more critter mini's...

BTW, does anyone have any recommendations for good sources of clothes for
the time period.  I'm mostly interested in colors and such.  I've got an
Osprey book for the Mexican army (1860's or so, if memory serves but it
could be earlier).  While those books can be useful they don't have all that
many color plates.  And quite frankly they're damn expensive.

