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Re: [DL] Time for an official ruling

 --- Brett Dixon <balance@tubas.net> wrote: > Follow-up: Should this be
resolves as two attacks, or as a normal ROF
> weapon attack? I'm leaning towards the second solutions, as it should
> be
> quicker to resolve and a bit more limiting (a low role kills two
> shots.)...
I'm not sure if it is described explicitly in the rules (not got my
books here) - however there are a number of people out there that have
their own house rule that involve making one "to hit" roll with a
double action ristol against the TN, if the character gains a raise on
that TN, he hits with both bullets. As an example




both list this mechanic and I'm sure many others out there use it as
well (including myself).  I also allow the first bullet to be aimed but
not the second and both bullets must hit the same target.



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