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SV: SV: SV: SV: [DL] Characters

Everybody is yappin' on about how hard it was to remeber the things you had
to do to fire a rifle or fannin' a gun. But my players have never had any
problems with them, sure everybody has some problems to begin with but after
a couple of sessions most people get the rules down right (some even to
extent of challeging my calls) The first edition was a wonderful game and
with all the extra suplements (I'm still a couple shy of a full collection,
but I have all the important ones)the game gets flowing and because people
know the rules people have more fun trying their hardest to as much as
possible out of a single attack.
And to be perfectly honest; I liked it back when you had to cock your rifle
before firing it, ofcourse back then you could also fan a rifle (sigh...
Those were the days) with a single skill. I only stopped using fannin' as a
skill after I lost my own printer and had to use the college's. 
Despite my praises for the old ways; I have altered some of the rules, I
have house rules just like everybody else...

Marshal "I just miss the old days" Oldefar

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