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[DL] Conversions from D20 to Deadlands

  Looking at the Conversion article on the web site I
came up with the following to convert D20 to classic

D20		Deadlands
7 Or below	1d4
8		2d4
9		3d4, 1d6
10		4d4, 2d6, 1d8
11		5d4, 3d6
12		4d6, 2d8
13		5d6, 3d8, 1d10
14		2d10
15		3d10, 1d12
16		4d10, 2d12, 1d12+2
17		5d10, 3d12
18		4d12, 2d12+2
19		5d12, 3d12+2, 1d12+4
20		4d12+2, 2d12+4
21		5d12+2, 3d12+4, 1d12+6
22		4d12+4, 2d12+6
23		5d12+4, 3d12+6, 1d12+8
24		4d12+6, 2d12+8
25		5d12+6, 3d12+8, 1d12+10
26		4d12+8, 2d12+10
27		5d12+8, 3d12+10, 1d12+12
28		4d12+10, 2d12+12
29		5d12+10, 3d12+12, 1d12+14
30		4d12+12, 2d12+14
31		5d12+12, 3d12+14, 1d12+16
32		4d12+14, 2d12+16
33		5d12+14, 3d12+16, 1d12+18
34		4d12+16, 2d12+18
35		5d12+16, 3d12+18, 1d12+20
36		4d12+18, 2d12+20
37		5d12+18, 3d12+20, 1d12+22
38		4d12+20, 2d12+22
39		5d12+20, 3d12+22, 1d12+24
40		4d12+22, 2d12+24
41		5d12+22, 3d12+24, 1d12+26
42		4d12+24, 2d12+26

Skills: Divide by half and round down

This is an oversimplification on the skills but I
think it's possible to go through the article and
reverse the conversion, for D20 to Deadlands.

I went ahead and stopped the trait level at a max of
5.  Let me know what you guys think?
                                     Horace Black

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