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Re: [DL] Range Wars/Great Rail Wars

On Thu, 7 Mar 2002 markus.finster@chello.at wrote:

> I'm thinking of introducing GRW and/or Range Wars to my gaming group. Now, I've never played miniature games, so I have a few qustions about those:
> Is Range Wars played with cards or with miniatures?

I think it's 'something else' but I'm not quite sure.

> How does a GRW-session run? I'm not talking about the specific rules,
> just a general overview: Is there one player the marshal who, I dunno,
> introduces twists in the fight? How many can participate in one game?
> How long does one of these games take to prepare and how long is one
> gaming session?

I've got a copy of GRW on order at my local game store, so I can't answer
much, but I do have experience with some other mini games (Warhammer 40k,
Necromunda, Heavy Gear (which is highly recommended, but that's
off-topic)). Most are set up as a competitive game, but have support
options for more scenario-based play. I believe, by on-line searching and
things like the GRW scenario in the back of the infamous Night Train that
Pinnacle is cool with this as well. Characters will be somewhat simplified
for GRW however.

Depending on the size of the scenario, you may want to institute a special
rule where PCs can only be knocked unconcious and captured, not killed.
It'll keep from spreading ill will if GRW is much more lethal than regular

> Do the GRW-Sourcebooks have any influence on the official timeline? If
> yes, maybe I'll just buy them to learn more of the world... Oh yes, are
> the sourcebooks seperated in posse and marshal territory as well?

I bet they've done some, but most of the railroads seem to be covered in
more detail in RPG-land books. For example (POTENTIAL SPOILER) Black
Circle gives some background on Bayou Vermillion and Black River,
concentrating on the RPG perspective.

> And finally: The online shop says that if you buy the core book, you get
> one starter army for free. Which armies are there and how much do they
> cost? How many minitaures are in an army? Could you use the cardstock
> cowboys for GRW as well (scale)?

I just received an order of GRW minis... Wish I had seen that offer, but
now I know what I'll do if the local game store lost my order which has
been taking a while (there are extenuating circumstances I won't bore the
list with...)...

Anyway, the minis are above average, but not the best I've seed. As many
problems as I have with the rules side of the house, Games Workshop is
definitely a leader in detailing their stuff (Although the fact that they
produce dozens of new figures a year helps,too). However, the Pinnacle
efforts are quite good and have a minimum of flash (the extra bits that
hang off or fill in places to form an effect like 'webbed toes.') and mold
lines. Also, someone at Pinnacle made the wise choice of boxing the squad
boxes in a bery compacy form... The Dixie Rails army I ordered was 17
figures in a box slightly smaller than an average house brick. Nice and
compact, even though it does mean that it doesn't look as impressive as
the big 40k displays.

As I said, I really like the game Heavy Gear. GRW takes care of one of the
biggest complaints people I've convinced to play HG have, however. In HG,
most of the factions are very similar, an effect of the extremely well
thought-out setting. All fot eh GRW factions are extremely well-defined as
far as I can tell, with the only two that seem to be similar being the
factions that are heavily allied with the Northern and Southern armies.

Is GRW effectively dead? I notice it doesn't seem to have much in the way
of new releases or fan web pages, which sems like a shame. The GRW mailing
list has been dead silent for the week I've been a member... Too bad, as
it looks like (Hey, I haven't gotten the rules yet!) a good game and
another great alternative to the Games Workshop jugernaut.