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Re: [DL] DeadLands d20 ... love it? hate it?

>I've played DnD for a long time. When 3e came out and the system moved
>to d20 I really fell for it. It made sense and worked out great for the

I have to agree here.  For D&D D20 is great. The System works.

>I was really sad to see DeadLands take that turn. I did give it a try
>though and bought the d20 books, read them and then packed them away.
Well to help clear something up.  Although PEG made Deadlands D20 and is 
putting out some books to support it.  They are by no means getting rid of 
the old system.  It is alive and well.  And if you stay on this list long 
enough you'll see that it is prefered by the majority of players.

Tha being said, anything that gets more people into Deadlands and more Money 
for Shane in the Gang is good in my book.


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