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Re: [DL] RPGA Living Deadlands?!

> What I'm wondering, Compadres, is how much interest would there be 
> out there
> for a Living Wierd West campaign?  How many people would be 
> interested in
> playing in it, who might be willing to help to run it, those sorts of
> things...

Hiya Chris,

Names Kevin Stoner and I am running a D20 adventure at GEN CON this 
year for Deadlands. It was pointed out to me that this living weird 
west could possibly occur. I think this would be a pretty neat idea and 
if you think it could get off the ground I would be happy to help 
however I can. 


The adventure I am running this year involves a "staged" escalation 
between Grimme and Hellstromme and how the posse must keep them 
from "warring" against one another. Of course its all an intricate plot 
to get the fear level up in the entire west if they believe the two 
powerhouses will begin killing eachother, and everyone will be caught 
in the middle. Anyway I would like to hear more about it, and feel free 
to stop by my game at the CON if you want to talk more. 

Marshal Kevin Stoner