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RE: [DL] Kewlest death quote...

>I was running a Demo at my local store, using The Last Stop.  The posse's
>Huckster decided to cast a Soul Blast on the Dessicated Dead (like this
>would have done any good) during their attack on the train.  Well, when he
>drew his hand, he managed to draw 2 aces, and both jokers, then named them
>aces.  When I rolled on the backlash table, I got a natural 20.  Everything
>was within the blast radius of the hex, so I had to roll for the wind loss
>of every member of the posse.  Every one of the 9D10 came up all 10s....  I
>think you can see where this went from here.  Even after spending all their
>chips, the entire posse was taken out by the hex...  In 20+ years of
>I had never seen anything go against the players so spectacularly!

I think the quote you're looking for here is...

"Hey, y'all, watch this!"

From my own experience, the posse had faced a group of unique
zombies/walking dead of a voodoo variety that could only be killed by saying
a short magical phrase while simultaneously sacrificing a small fowl of some
sort.  Later, they came upon plain old everyday walking dead for the first
time, which lead to an incorrect assumption and this quote:

"I've seen this before.  Get a chicken."

And not exactly a death quote, but a quote about death.  After seeing my
gunslinger max out on a Quickness roll and take out 6 men before they could
even act, the huckster (who was a VotWW and knew about harrowed) looked over
at him and said,

"Just so you know, if you ever die, I'm shooting you in the head."

And of course one of my favorites

"Nothing could live through that."

"You're assuming that dead is safer.  You're wrong."

And he was.  :)

Clint Black

"You smell that? Do you smell that? ...Ghost Rock, son. Nothing else in the
world smells like that. I love the smell of ghost rock in the morning. You
know, one time we had a hill bombed, for twelve hours. When it was all over
I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' Yank body. The
smell, you know that sulphurous smell, the whole hill. Smelled like...
victory. Someday this war's gonna end..."